Sunday Snippets – Last day of September

So I have decided that Sunday is really the best day for me to update this thing.

Got this on lock. Every Sunday is my new goal.

Again it was pretty standard week in our lives. Work for me. School & Work for Ty.

Monday night is SSOB (Secret Society of Basketball I think haha) for Ty. Tuesday I went to Erica’s DD (dirty dancing) Class. Way fun. Good dance routine. I can’t deny the most enjoyable part of going (besides the routine) are  the interesting girls that tend to go to that class. I get a good chuckle from watching this “dirty girl” persona they flaunt during the class. Rolling up their shirts, hollering when the moves get dirty and all of it. Like I definitely think they all go home and practice their bump & grind moves in front of the mirror. haha. Just got a visual. See…its funny!

I made a yummy treat on Wednesday ( see here ) I will say making treats for two people is not the same. Then Ty feels he should eat them all to save me from doing so….or he just really likes them and since I am not home all day he eats them. Either one. I did have my lil sister (the bird-like eater) come over and eat with us, then I got to give her my delicious dessert. I makes me realize that making meals & desserts will be so much more beneficial once I have a few faces to feed. This however doesn’t make me baby hungry (who gets baby hungry by cooking/baking) BUT I did receive a video this week that made me super baby hungry. Only because he is my adorable little nephew who I want to meet & snuggle! ( video here )

Friday was game day. BYU vs. Hawaii and since husby wanted to watch it, we went to his parents. (We don’t have cable/satellite) Well the game was a boring one, BYU was dominating so we decided to play Golf with Ash & Nolan. Then Jeff & Victoria joined in later. The night ended with us going to visit friends and endless amounts of laughter from Ty & Matt. Either we were just tired or it was that funny. They made up their own version of planko and started playing it with a chair & a bouncy ball. Then Ty got in the “direct line of fire”. Let’s just say it was a moment you had to have been there.

Saturday was Erica’s 22nd Birthday! We went indoor surfing on a flow rider at Provo Beach Resort. Super fun! Dinner at Macaroni Grill. She opened presents. We had carmel apples and went to see Pitch Perfect. No joke. I haven’t laughed that hard in a movie in I don’t know how long. It was hilarious! Loved it. I would recommend it more to girls than guys but my husband and the other guys laughed a lot too. All in all it was a great week! NOW for the moment I have been waiting for…..DISNEYLAND IN 3 DAYS!!! 🙂 I can hardly compose myself. SO excited!! New post about that next week. Until then! TTFN!

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